Marching Band
Marching Band
The Maine Band Directors’ Association administers an adjudicated exhibition marching band circuit. The formal rules of this circuit are published in the Field Band Show Rules section of the MBDA handbook.
The schedule of shows for this circuit consists of five regular season shows and a Maine Marching Band Finals. All regular shows are scheduled on the Saturday evenings of the six weeks prior to the first weekend in November. these shows are held rain or shine. If rain, they are held indoors as a stand still performance. each regular show is currently co-hosted by member schools. The manner of administration (joint or alternating co-hosting) and sharing of the proceeds of each show is at the discretion of the co-hosts. The Finals is scheduled on the first Saturday in November, and a rain date scheduled as needed and determined at a regularly scheduled meeting. Finals is hosted by the MBDA. When necessary, manpower to run is is provided by volunteer adults (2-4) from each member school.
Show Rating System
All MBDA events are rated against an established standard of performance excellence. Each band will receive the following ratings: Overall Music Effect, Ensemble Music, Performance Music, Overall Visual Effect, Ensemble Visual, Percussion, Color Guard, and Drum Major. All ratings will be announced at all shows. Ratings are based on a five-star system, with one star being the lowest rating, and five stars being the highest rating