Jazz Band
Maine Open Jazz Festival
The Maine Band Directors’ Association sponsors the Maine Open Jazz Festival. This festival is designed for high school and middle school jazz bands. Entrance fees are listed in the Schedule of Fees.
The 2023 Maine Open Jazz Festival will be held at Westbrook High School.
Rules and Regulations
The rules and regulations are as follows:
I. Classification
The festival will be open to high school and middle school (junior high) large ensembles and combos.
II. Music Requirements
A. Time Limit
1. All groups will be allowed a total of 25 minutes.
This includes set-up, playing, and breakdown time.
2. There is no minimum performance time.
B. Doubling of parts will be allowed.
III. Seating Plan
A. Directors must provide a seating plan for adjudicators.
1. Include names of students and instruments.
(See Open Jazz Festival Seating Plan, page 35A in the MBDA Handbook)